There’s a
day coming when the mountain of God’s House will be The Mountain— solid,
towering over all mountains. All nations will river toward it, people from all
over set out for it. They’ll say, “Come, let’s climb God’s Mountain, go to
the House of the God of Jacob. He’ll show us the way he works so we can live
the way we’re made.” He’ll settle things fairly between nations. He’ll make things right between
many peoples. They’ll turn their swords into shovels, their spears into rakes. No more will
nation fight nation; they won’t play war anymore. Isaiah 2: 2-5
Are you looking forward to Christmas?
Let me see if I can guess why.
You'll get some time off school.
You might get to see some family you haven't seen in a long time.
There will probably be a tree in the house and beautiful decorations everywhere.
You look forward to a delicious Christmas dinner. You might look forward to Brussels sprouts (I do, but I may be on my own there!)
And what am I forgetting? Oh, yes, of course, presents! We love to give
and receive presents.
Well, the waiting can be tough. There are still 2 days to go until
Christmas. But if you are really hoping
and looking forward (especially if you are young) that can seem like 2 years.
Most of the people mentioned in the Bible had to wait. The reading above
is from the prophet Isaiah, who described a wonderful future time of peace in
the world someday. It's a time that seems far off when we hear about the wars
in our world and fighting all over the world. But Isaiah has a
message from God that it won't always be that way. This is what he says: in the
future God will settle arguments between nations. They will pound their swords
and their spears into rakes and shovels; they will never make war or attack one
another again. It's a wonderful message.
In this future, people will want to live
the way God intended them to live. God will transform their hearts and teach them how
to love. There will be no more war; in fact weapons will be turned into tools
to grow food for the hungry.
Some of that has begun to happen for us. Jesus came and showed us that,
by trusting in Him, we would live the kind of life that is full
of love for other people. The One whose name means ‘God with us’ has come and is already changing some.
There are now people who show His love by working to stop wars, to bring peace and
to bring together people who have been enemies.
God so wanted this kind of change for us and the people around us that
He sent the most precious thing He had – Jesus – to show us what real love
is. Jesus came to clear out all the
mistakes and mess ups we have done so that, trusting in Him, we might get ready
for this new way of life that God has planned.
We’re waiting for Christmas. It’s still 2 days away but it’s coming
closer. We’re waiting for things to happen. Sometimes we have to wait for the
school bus. Sometimes you have to sit in the waiting room for your dental
appointment. That’s no fun. You don’t mind waiting a long time for that.
Sometimes you have to line up and wait to see a movie. That’s a hard
kind of waiting. Waiting for the bell to ring. Waiting for dinner because
you’re hungry. Waiting for the Internet – it can still sometimes take a long time before you can finally download something.

And, while we wait for everything to get sorted, we want to live as
if it had already happened, to show others and remind ourselves what this new world
will be like.
Merry Christmas!