Wednesday, 9 July 2014

How watching a naked German woman can bring you closer to God

I knew that my recent sabbatical would offer a welcome opportunity to explore different ideas and maybe encounter God in unexpected ways.  
However, I sometimes choose to stay within some fairly narrow grooves in what I read and watch.
So I decided to place some of the choices beyond my immediate control.
I emailed a number of friends and colleagues:
“I am writing to small number of friends, seeking your suggestion of something to help me in this. In many cases this might be something to read, since I enjoy reading a great deal and this is probably my main way of acquiring knowledge and challenging my thinking. But different kinds of cultural texts would also be welcome:  film, music, art, poetry, drama, places and new people to meet.

“And none of these need to be explicitly Christian, although I hope that in some way they would help deepen my discipleship and appreciation of the breadth of life, seeing God in the whole of his creation not just in the usual places.

“So I would be very glad if you felt able to recommend something to read, watch, listen to, visit, meet or experience. “

And (I’m really glad to say!) friends responded with some amazing suggestions. I managed to tackle quite a few – with some others to carry forward into the summer and autumn.
Over the next few days and weeks, I’ll be sharing some of those that I found really helpful – and also exploring the journeys of thinking they took me on. I probably won’t name those who first suggested each item: in this way the focus remains on the material not personalities. But I want each person who so kindly helped shaped my thinking in new ways to know: I really appreciate your contribution.
Here are three really good TED talks. TED is a non-profit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).  You can browse the full list here
For Christians or people of other faiths, they offer opportunities to sharpen your thinking outside the usual ruts. I invite you to look at some examples now. Agree or disagree; like them or not: each of these challenges is worth watching and thinking through. 
So enjoy them.  Don't rush.  And if you have a response to these three talks, why not add your comments below?
  • To explore what living ‘incarnationally’ might mean, watch this naked German woman here
  • Look here to begin to understand the role of the OT prophet in embodying a different reality (maybe like the Kingdom of God?)
  • And here is a way to begin thinking about hope and transformation

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